Thursday, May 24, 2007

Teensy Shorts and World Market

Today has been one of those days wherein I have run around all day long doing things that I had much rather not be doing. "What happened to work?" you ask. Well, my office was being dismantled and resurrected in another part of the building today. My cell mate and I had planned on coming in at noon, but when I arrived to survey the new digs, no go. It appeared that [Unmentionable Local Office Supply Co.] had the same hours as me. Strangely enough, they ran somewhat of a parallel course with me throughout the day. When I left the office, they left for lunch. When I came back, they were just getting back to business, and so on. I have attempted to catch up on correspondence here from home, but I gave up after my third attempt to go into work and went shorts shopping instead.
Which leads me to this...

Why is it that NONE of the cute, quasi-conservative shorts on the Old Navy website reside in an actual store? When I showed up at our local ON, all I found were these:

And while I WISH I could sport these somewhere other than inside the confines of the local ON dressing room, I'd rather not buy the additional butt bra to do so. Everywhere I looked were these teensy shorts strategically placed beside just as teensy tanks. What about us regular old Non-teensys? We're the ones with the disposable (or at least budgetable) incomes. Why are there no shorts for us? Are we supposed to only care about shoes and handbags? Do we HAVE to wear those stupid (and I own some) cropped pants regardless of the unbearable heat and humidity? I have to interject here that Old Navy is not alone. I went to three separate and distinct area clothing stores with the same miserable results. I was so sad and dejected, in fact, that as I was leaving Kohl's I suddenly remembered the Wine Sale at World Market. What can I say? Instead of spending countless more depressing hours rifling through mini-shorts, I chose to spend my somewhat short shorts budget on 1/2 price wines. I must admit that being Non-teensy does have its advantages, i.e. 50% off a bottle of Toasted Head Merlot and the driver's license with which to buy it.

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