Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Anna vs. Barry

After work today I spent some time with my friends Ed, Adam and Doogs. (I can't really count the other guy Mike since this was our first actual hang out session.) Every time I see them, I always think about how much I miss them. It's hard to come across people who are who they say they are. They are them. It's so refreshing to be able to listen and laugh and interact and not have to worry about whether or not they "get" you. If they don't, they let you know. They ask questions. They trust. They believe that you are also who you say you are. (Wouldn't it be wonderful it the whole world was that way?) We spent time talking about everything from interpersonal dynamics to politics. While covering this plethora of subjects, I posed the following to the lone Catholic in the group: "When I was growing up, I always thought that Catholics, by and large, were Democrats. Is that true?" This sparked some in-depth discussion, and I came away still not knowing for sure. Mr. Catholic asserted that there was a shift in the Catholic political affiliations during the Reagan administration and that the Catholic vote has been much more diverse since that time. I had assumed that the split was due to Roe vs. Wade. I wondered what the Pope would say. The only general agreement throughout the entire conversation was that gee dubya is a total dumb a$$.
Another thing that raised the decibel level slightly tonight was the Barry Bondsimonium. Mr. Negative said he was sick to death of the Slam Watch and that he would have thrown pitches in the dirt in front of home plate before allowing yet another HR for BB. I thought the whole thing was pretty amazing and claimed that I would have lobbed a meatball right down the middle just to see him hit the big one. Mr. Cynical said that he just wished Anna Nicole was still around.


1 comment:

Brenda said...

I really enjoyed this post, Christa, and I agree...the dubya is a total dumb a$$!