Friday, August 24, 2007

First off...CONGRATULATIONS to Bizzy on her blog print debut! Check out the details here. Thank God people around here are finally recognizing that a) there is this thing called the internet where people do stuff, and b) Bizzy rocks it.

Just returned from another delicious and fun filled dinner with my friends Sue Ellen and Jeremy. It's always so fun visiting with them. It's one of the few places where I can be guaranteed at the very least five belly laughs PLUS a phenomenal meal. Good stuff. Miracle of miracles, I actually took a peanut butter pie over there this time (thanks for the recipe, B!). It did a little triple somersault out of the freezer at its presentation. The dismount was perfect, so it didn't get kicked off the squad...although it did fail the Jerm Cream Cheese/Avocado Taste-o-lator.

As sometimes happens, we digressed into something totally off-base...myspace. First, let me say that I'm a little confused by myspace. Is it a blog or a new age chain letter? It's exhausting linking to this person and then that person and then someone you totally forgot you graduated with. Before you know it, you've spent hours looking through links and learning absolutely nothing except that someone you knew in 1993 has a kid now and is living in another state.


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the props!

I'm with you on the MySpace thing--it just makes me tired when I go there and there's all these pop-ups and there's too much going on on the pages and then I just need a nap.