Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Forgive me, dear readers, for I have sinned. I have not posted in weeks...primarily due to the fact that I've become obsessed with and, hence, can't stop reading even long enough to type these few short words.

I just this evening finished the Jennifer Belle book "Little Stalker." I got there, innocently enough, by way of "Going Down." I liked her style of writing, so when I noticed that "Little Stalker" was a thinly veiled story of the author's obssession with Woody Allen, I knew I had to run out and get it THIS MINUTE. I even went so far as to call Borders (with my timely 20% off e-coupon) and reserve the one copy in the store. Trouble is, I was just coming off the Friends of the Library Manna From Heaven Super Sale with a lingering case of yard-sale-itis and experienced severe sticker shock at the $21 total (this included my 20% off e-coupon!) price for Jennifer Belle's newest novel. Just this past weekend I'd hauled away upwards of 14 books for a total sale price of around $7. [SEVEN DOLLARS!] And two days later I'm shelling out $21 (inc. the coupon!) for a book whose cover was amateurish and a little spooky (but, I guess that was the point). I was much too embarrassed to ask for the book by name from the husky Borders bookman. I mean, think about it. I'd RESERVED it. Such a dope.

So the book itself was pretty good, and I couldn't help but feel a kinship with the main character. I myself have defended Woody Allen on many an occasion, regardless of his quasi-incestuous marriage and marginally good recent movies (except for Match Point, of course). "You just can't argue genius," I'd say. My personal life is a shambles most of the time, too. Who am I to judge?

Other than that, I read "The Secret Life of Bees" over the weekend. I'm pretty sure that I'm the last woman in the contiguous 50 to read that one. I couldn't really relate to any of the characters although they all seemed charming and wonderful from far away.

You see what happens to me? I get stuck in a groove and can't seem to scratch my way out. Don't get me wrong, there are worse things to be compulsive about than reading. It's just that while I'm in this psychological holding pattern, I kinda let a lot of other things like maybe laundry or vacuuming fall by the wayside.
A strange thing happened to me today while at a work function. A lady came up to me and said she'd seen me on Bizzyville. We had a really nice conversation about the Greatness of Bizzy, about her hilarious writing style and super cool personal style. It was an odd feeling though to be recognized and I wondered if that was how Kathy Griffin's personal assistant Jessica felt when people recognized her from the show. Of course, there's a big difference in being recognized in New York City and being recognized in Paducah, but maybe not that big a difference if you consider the statistics per capita. It's possible...don't you think? ...Possibly?


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