Monday, September 3, 2007

According to the Urban Dictionary:
A man-purse. Very fashion-forward right now, seen on many hipster guys. The line between a messenger bag and murse is very fluid - typically a murse is a bit smaller than a traditional messenger and may have a slightly more stylized look to it. A murse can also be used to carry a laptop computer - one of the reasons it is so popular right now.
"Wow, Mark's new laptop fits perfectly into that small bag he carries"

"Yeah, that's a great murse. It matches his american apparel shirt."

I am fascinated by the murse. I carry a purse every single day of the year. It is both a curse and a godsend. Most women have collections of purses stacked high inside their closets. They pull different ones out to match their shoes or their ensemble or their mood. I am of the other variety. I am one of those women who carries the exact same purse with every outfit until its seams begin to rip or an essential strap breaks. I despise changing purses. The thought of pulling everything out of my purse to place into another purse serving the exact same purpose is enough to send me 'round the bend. Plus, inevitably when I do change purses, I lose either my keys or my lipstick. In any one of my old purses you will likely find old receipts, at least one pink hue of lipstick, an ink pen that no longer works, a stray earring, a tattered tampon and countless pennies and nickels.

So, I've been thinking about the murse. Exactly what would a man carry around in one? Thanks to a very dear and clever friend of mine, now we know...


Suzanne said...

Okay, WHAT is that heart shaped thingy? I have an enquiring mind.

MCD said...

I hear tell it's a compact. Who knew!