Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I have been such a poor correspondent lately (again). In my own defense, yoga has been kicking my down dog lately, and I have been simply too exhausted to move. Note the lovely pose in the photo. It's not my own, of course. You can tell by the way her heels touch the ground. Mine usually look like I'm wearing some kind of weird Wonder Woman invisible boots. I can't get my heels even close to the mat. Plus, this yogi has a real live matching yoga ensemble. Not my style...or more to the point...not in my budget.

Before I started doing yoga for the first time, I thought it was probably a lot like bowling...a fringe sport, something anyone could pick up within a couple of practice frames. Little did I know that there is form involved (which could possibly apply to real bowlers), as well as lots and lots of sore muscles and practice. Yoga is a mind/body experience. Bringing focus to each pose is part of the practice itself. Tim is always telling us to "be aware" during our practice and to bring awareness to the parts of our bodies with the most resistance. This, for me, is not difficult as each pose feels excruciatingly painful to two or more muscle groups. Drishdi is impossible with the likes of me around groaning and giggling and talking in my outside voice about being a yoga flunky. Yogis are by nature very tolerant people, however, so they keep letting me come back regardless.

To all you wonderful, beautiful, patient, accepting yogis in my Monday/Thursday classes...this Namaste is for you!


Brenda said...

I love the serene new look of your blog, Christa!

MCD said...

Thanks, Brenda!