Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's 5:45 a.m. on Saturday, and I'm listening to the soundtrack from La Vie en Rose. Brad and I took the movie in last Sunday at the Maiden Alley Cinema. I loved the film and became infected by Edith Piaf. The depth of her voice is amazing. It reminds me a lot of Judy Garland's due in part to her musical style. Edith's story is tragic, and I never even tired of reading the subtitles (rare for me) or watching Marion Cotillard's brilliant performance.

On Monday I went to see Robin at Pauley's and got most all of my hair cut off. It's so funny to see people's reactions when you go for a big change. Most people are really nice about it. Many of those who don't like it simply ignore it or act like they didn't notice that half of your hair is gone. One person went so far as to say, "Wow. You got your hair cut. You look like William Sledd. Ha ha." An odd comparison, but I can think of worse things she could have said, I guess.

I recently started going back to yoga class thanks to a very Bizzy friend of mine. The first class went fairly well, and although I was a little sore in my upper body the next day, I vigorously patted myself on the back imagining beautiful twisted triangles and headstands within 7 days. Then this past Thursday Tim got hold of me. All during class I lamented being a yoga flunky remembering my former flexibility. I had no idea how much I would pay for being a yoga dropout. Today is Saturday, and so many muscles still hurt that I feel like I have the flu.

Last night I spent some time with my friends Sue Ellen and Jeremy. Sue Ellen fixed a delicious low-cal pizza, and we sat around catching up.

Today I am headed to Carlisle County to enjoy yet another delicious dinner with my family. I am looking forward to getting out of the city and spending time with my parents. Sorry about the short, boring post, but I think I need to take some Tylenol and lie back down. Anyone have any chicken soup?



Brenda said...

I've always loved short hair on you, Christa; I'm sure it looks great.

BTW, you're much prettier than William Sledd!

Suzanne said...