Thursday, April 12, 2007

Home from LOO-uh-vull

That's how you say it, people...LOO-uh-vull...not LOO-ee-vill or (God forbid) LOO-is-vill. The idiots who say LOO-ee-vill are the same ones who say noo-or-LEENS. It makes me crazy! Anyway, I just returned from the big city and couldn't be happier if I'd gained TWO hours coming back. Don't get me wrong, the UofL staff was phenomenal. (I kid you not, these people know how to kick it.) I am just happy to be able to sleep in my own bed again and not have to pay $6 to move my car out of the driveway.

The luncheon today was really nice, and I think other than their hospitality, it was UofL's best feature. The food was good, but the service was great. I go to so many of these things, and rarely are we treated as well as we were today. Kudos to UofL for their event. You guys rock!

Other than talking to a bunch of kids and bored corporate types, I drove home. When I got here, I was excited to find "Children of Men" patiently awaiting my return. I'm so excited. I LURV Clive Owen, and I've heard the movie's pretty cool, too. That said, I guess I'd better get to it.

You are BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for stopping by.


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